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Heat Recovery Ventilation Systems

Heat Recovery Ventilation Systems

ICE can supply and install a range of heat recovery ventilation systems as either standalone ventilation or to run in conjunction with air conditioning systems.

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As the efficiency of our modern buildings has improved with developments in insulation and weatherproofing, buildings are intentionally made more air-tight, and consequently less ventilated.

The object of providing good ventilation alongside air conditioning in residential and commercial buildings is to provide conditions under which people can live and work in comfort and safety.

A straight forward supply and extract ventilation system would bring air in at the outside temperature and extract stale air from inside, at room temperature this would put additional load on the cooling or heating requirements.

A heat recovery ventilation system reduces overall energy costs by extracting stale air and then recovering the heating or cooling energy to either warm or cool incoming fresh air. By utilising this energy, a heat recovery system can save up to 30% on initial capital costs of heating and cooling plant.

Heat recovery systems can also provide free cooling if the outside temperature is lower than the desired room temperature